Back in August 2019, Huami launched three smartwatches in China. Of these, the Amazfit X stood out for its futuristic design, while the Amazfit GTS stood out for being a cheaper lookalike (but not quite) of the Apple Watch. The Amazfit “Smart Sports Watch 3” flew under the radar, with its name and branding lost in translation, and its features under-appreciated in the presence of other headlining products. Now, this device is getting another chance at making its impact, this time in the Indian market, as Huami has launched the Amazfit Stratos 3 smartwatch in India.
Amazfit Stratos 3: Specifications
Specifications | Amazfit Stratos 3 |
Case Details |
Strap |
Display |
Connectivity |
Sensors |
Multiple Positioning | Three Modes:
Water Resistance | 5 ATM ( up to 50m depth) |
Battery and Charging |
Compatibility |
With the Amazfit App |
The Amazfit Stratos 3 looks unapologetically like a sports watch. Unlike the Amazfit GTR and Amazfit GTS, the highlight of the device is not the display, but the ability to be smarter than the other two. For instance, the Stratos 3 comes with integrated GNSS solutions, meaning you don’t need to stay connected to your smartphone for GPS and route tracking. Further, you also get Wi-Fi connectivity and 2GB of internal storage for storing music, and you can connect the watch with Bluetooth earphones. The net result of this combination is that you can effectively use the smartwatch for your workouts without needing to have your phone around. For me, this fixes the issue of needing to lug around a bulky smartphone on a run, as music and GPS tracking is now taken care of by the watch itself. Note that there is no app integration or cellular connectivity, so your music needs to be stored locally as .mp3 files on the smartwatch.
Of course, the Amazfit Stratos 3 can also track exercises with up to 80 sports modes and continuous heart rate monitoring. There are buttons for navigating the interface, in case you find the touchscreen interaction cumbersome during exercise. Another highlight feature is the Ultra Endurance Mode which will pause certain other functions and still let the smartwatch track heart rate and exercises for up to 14 days, effectively doubling the battery life.
Pricing and Availability
The Amazfit Stratos 3 will be available for purchase in India starting today, 8 PM IST, on Amazfit India as well as on Flipkart. The product will cost ₹13,999 (~$185). While the smartwatch is more expensive than the Amazfit GTS and GTR, it does have the added smarts to justify the increase.
Buy the Amazfit Stratos 3 from Flipkart
The post Amazfit Stratos 3 with integrated GPS, Wi-Fi and music storage launched in India for ₹13,999 (~$185) appeared first on xda-developers.
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